About Levity + Love

Jewelry typically enhances your wardrobe. How about instead, it enhances your life and lifestyle as well?!

The Levity + Love Story

Levity + Love was sparked by the imagination of a mother daughter duo that took place over 15 years ago with a simple desire to assist in solidifying new habits.

Liana, Laura’s daughter, was having trouble remembering to brush her teeth at night. Growing weary of reminding Liana (and Liana growing weary of being reminded) they decided to make a bracelet with a moveable clasp that would mark the daily accomplishment of this simple task.

Knowing the logic behind the 21 day challenge in creating new habits the Levity + Love bracelet was born. Going along with the red string on the finger technique wearing a bracelet is a constant visual reminder to keep your focus on whatever it is your wanting to solidify or manifest in your life. Even something simple like brushing your teeth.

The project was put aside for well over a decade as “life” got in the way all the while the project lingered in the background beckoning to be brought to life with each new habit needing to be formed through the years.

As Laura approached the half century mark and the kids moved out of the house she wondered how useful the bracelet would have been for so many things in life for so many. With the “second half” of life waiting to be used in a productive way the Levity + Love bracelet was reborn.

The project was named originally after the mother daughter duo - Laura and Liana (hence the double “L” logo bead on the bracelet) but was changed in the projects “rebirth” to Levity + Love. These two words remind us what filter to look at life through. Levity means to take a serious situation and find humor. Not to laugh at life but to take ourselves a bit less seriously and to treat ourselves -as well as others- with love. A little levity and love each day will make life so much lighter and way more fun!!

Functionality and Style align!

Our goal setting Bracelet helps you stay committed!


The bracelet is meant to be wore everyday for 21 days. Day one is simply putting the bracelet on and setting your personal intention. There is a clasp that comes off and reattaches over a bead each day the personal intention or task has been completed. There is a contrast bead signaling the end of a week and closer to your accomplishment. At the end of these three weeks. Look and see where your are! Not only has a new habit formed but your feeling GREAT empowered and ready for another challenge!

Let’s build love and “this house”.

Family and building a life full of love is a core value here at Levity + Love. So, in honor of those, we are partnering with a Non-profit called Build His House by donating 10% of every item purchased to helping families go from surviving to thriving.