Relationships Matter.

Changing the world one family at a time by partnering with Build His House, Non-profit.

Behind our partnership with Build His House

Here at Levity + Love we are partnering with a non-profit that is changing the world, one family at a time. Each month we are dedicated to donating a portion of our sales because we believe in the mission of restoring the family unit.

Relationships matter and with Build His House we are on a mission to help creating a family retreat center where families can go to receive healing in their relationships, have fun and reconnect, rest and reset to establish the heart-to-heart connection they were made for! Will you join us?

Featured Product

Featured Product

This month we are highlighting our Limited Edition Botswana Agate Goal Tracking Bracelet! A portion of the proceeds will go to Build His House Non-Profit!

“And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Mark 3:25

We believe the family unit thrives when we are fully present and available to interact with one another from a place of love and understanding. Build His House believes in unifying the family by bringing honor back into our relationships.

“If you aren’t intentionally building a culture of family, then you WILL be shaped by other cultures.”

— Brittney Serpell